Charles Bradley

Charles Bradley performing at First Ave in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I realize it has been a few days since have posted a Picture of the Day. Whoops. To get things going again, I have decided to start with a picture from a Charles Bradley concert in 2016. Charles Bradley is somewhat of a hero of mine, and his music made up the core of the soundtrack to my 2013 road trip across the country. The concert was one of the best that I have seen and I loved every moment of it – thank you for the concert tickets as a birthday present, Shayne. I posted this photo the day of the concert – my 27th birthday – on Instagram, and Charles Bradley himself liked the post.

Unfortunately, Charles Bradley died in September, 2017 – shortly before I left America for Korea – after a long fight with cancer. The record company he recorded with recently released a new song of his – “Lonely as You Are” – and they’re looking for photos, videos, and artwork from fans with #LeftUsLonely to put into the soon-to-be-released music video, so this is my contribution. Rolling Stone described the song as a “Devastating Masterclass.” It was written months after his diagnosis with stomach cancer while he was deep into chemotherapy.

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