Daegu Lantern Festival

"Tuesday, May 22, marks Buddha's birthday. It is a national holiday here in South Korea and most people have the day off. Some even had Monday off, but not me. I didn't get a day off because my hagwon prides itself on being rigorous and thorough. However, that didn't prevent me fro celebrating Buddha's birthday, because on Saturday I took an ITX train from Daejeon to Daegu for the Daegu Dalgubeol Lantern Festival."

Gyeryongsan National Park

"South Korea is probably best known for its dense population and massive cities like Seoul or Busan, but if you venture just a little bit outside of the urban sprawl you can find countless mountains, forests, and national parks. Last week I was able to visit my first South Korean National Park: Gyeryongsan, which is located just outside my city of Daejeon."

Haedong Yonggungsa Temple

"Haedong Yonggungsa is a Buddhist temple located on the seashore to the north-east of Busan, South Korea. The aesthetically pleasing nature of the temple and it's proximity to a major city center in Busan make it one of South-Korea's must-see attractions."