Byeonsanbando National Park

"When I first started pursuing a job teaching English abroad, I often found myself daydreaming about hitchhiking down country roads lined with rice paddies, hiking up and down rural mountains, jumping into remote pools fed by waterfalls, and lounging on a beach with a beer and friends from all around the world.

Last weekend I did exactly that when three friends and I trekked to Byeonsanbando National Park."

Daegu Lantern Festival

"Tuesday, May 22, marks Buddha's birthday. It is a national holiday here in South Korea and most people have the day off. Some even had Monday off, but not me. I didn't get a day off because my hagwon prides itself on being rigorous and thorough. However, that didn't prevent me fro celebrating Buddha's birthday, because on Saturday I took an ITX train from Daejeon to Daegu for the Daegu Dalgubeol Lantern Festival."